What Is An Inclusionista?
What in the world is an Inclusionista™?
Inclusionista™: Someone who passionately believes we ALL have abilities and challenges to balance. An Inclusionista™ believes we ALL (no matter our race, color, creed, religion, gender or gender identity, sexuality, veteran or ability status, economic status, etc.) have something valuable to offer, including (and sometimes, especially!) people with disabilities.
People with disabilities in particular should have a say in every aspect of life and a seat at the table discussing the events of the world around us. As an Inclusionista™, I champion a way of thinking, living and being that honors what EVERYONE CAN DO. No matter HOW we do it, and whether or not we need support or accommodations to accomplish great things, we ALL can be powerful contributors to the world we live in.
All we need are fellow Inclusionistas to recognize our inherent abilities, honor our rights as citizens of humanity and to support our quest for meaningful relationships and lives of our choosing that do not infringe on anyone else’s quest for the same.