Remodeling Wellness: Start Outside
Over the last few weeks, I’ve been what many would call “homebound” and “bedridden”, but I refuse to completely succumb to those necessary terms for medical and insurance purposes. I’m also a feisty, certified, life transition coach on wheels armed with wit and a “chipped glass filled to overflowing” view of my life and yours. Life is never perfect, but it can so be filled to overflowing with good things to sustain you. Even from bed with legs propped up, I am growing and nurturing a thriving motivational, educational business.
To me, “home-bound” sounds like I’m tied to the bed like some dastardly, handlebar mustachioed villain has me, the damsel in distress, captured at the railroad tracks. Not true! I’m unable to get out and about independently right now due to a temporary chronic illness that will surely flair up again at some point, but I’ll deal with it when it does. For now, I deal in powerful self-healing. My prescribed position is that I lie in bed with legs propped up to stimulate healing circulation through my legs. In truth, I’m on temporary leave from the usual routine of being “on a roll”.
The term “bedridden” conjures images of a mattress with a maniacal face and clawed fists bearing down on me. In fact, I am really “bedriding”! (Copyrighted term 2009 by Monica J. Foster. All rights reserved.) Uh uh! I saw you trying to get at that term. No, no, no. Don’t touch it. Just read. Part of my healing process is going to be about turning the concept of being bedridden on it’s ear, taking control of my wellness in an active and humorous way. I’m like a cowgirl bedriding the range of health statuses, ready to wrangle full body and spiritual well-being to the ground. Yee-haw!
I am riding the wave of wellness on TOP of the mattress, not beneath it cowering and smothered by fear of the unknown. Sure, I’m afraid and upset by all of this some days, but fear isn’t a stopping point. Fear is my open opportunity to lasso strength and wellness for myself and others around me. I will not crawl under the bed and cower in fear. Hmmm, I wonder if that’s where my other sock is? Anyway, I am riding as high as possible (without pain pills, thanks) with my mind firmly knotted in the reins and a whip to keep it in line if I have my way.
Does all this bed rest annoy me? YES! I’d much rather be rolling down steep ramps to feel the wind in my face, networking or out with friends. Until then, I’m bedriding, attempting to buck the stale, conventional images of ill, having as much fun as possible to spite the powers that be and the negativity minions trying to seep into my little gray cells. While I’m propped up in body, so is my mind and spirit and I’ll use this time to really work my coaching services in a way that will benefit you and I even more when I’m well. The body rests, but the mind and spirit are fully active. Whoa, sounds a little like astral projection! Tries to astrally project to Starbucks across the street for a venti, five-pump caramel macchiato and bumps into a Canada goose. Oops! We’ll try again later.
I’ve even been looking the part of Ill Personified besides feeling ill lately. That has got to end. While I team up with home health nurses, physical therapy and my wound care doctor for my internal health, I’m going to do some remodeling on the outside as well. By looking ill, I don’t just mean by the swelling of my foot and the suction tube running out of it. My hair has been a rat’s nest with at least one massive strand whipped out like a vacancy sign for said rodents. None have applied for residence. Wow, scary thought that is.
I’ve smelled slightly of Death warmed over because I was too tired to clean up much other than a necessity swipe here and there to shoo away germs and so property management doesn’t come calling to see if I’ve died. Stares at door and phone, just waiting My bed attire has been holy enough to worship. Yes, you could read the Lord’s Prayer or the Bhagavad-Gita through some of those holes, but my gowns are super comfy! I’m allowed, right?
Uh, er, NO! Sure, I can be comfortable and a little more laid back in bed. I don’t have to put on the corporate façade while on bed rest or have every strand of hair in perfect place, but this “transient chic” look has got to go. What happens internally flows externally and vice versa. This exchange has got to change if I am to promote and invite wellness and success to flow in both directions.
So begins my routine of looking through my good night gowns. You know the clean, pretty PJs you only get out for company? They’re comin’ out! Thanks Diana Ross.
My hair when I washed and then tried to style it the other day, I realized, needs to be trimmed. So what little assisted venturing out I’m allowed, my husband Bryan is going to take me to get my hair done. Maybe I’ll even get my nails done. Oh, how he will SO love the sitting in wait for me to be done. I love that man for being a model of patience!
For the last few days, I’ve worn my wedding band for the first time in a while because I don’t normally wear jewelry when I’mstaying at home or when I’m in bed asleep. I haven’t wanted to lose it in bed or anything. But then I realized I missed it. It’s not loose around my finger at all! Gone are my worries of losing it. My wedding band makes me miss Bryan a tiny bit less during the day while he’s at work. Our fourth wedding anniversary is coming up on April 30thand it’s nice lying here remembering way back when we first met and times since. He’s been a good support system since I’ve been ill. My own uncertified coach at home….
Bathing and showering can be difficult when you are temporarily tubular and ill like I am. I am attached to a suction therapy tube by my foot and can’t get the bandages wet, so warm sink baths or leaning over with the adjustable showerhead hose to wash my hair have been my means of maintaining good hygiene. I’ve managed to master that art of cleanliness, but haven’t felt completely as fresh as I’d like. No, you have not stumbled on an awkward Massengil commercial, I swear! Still, perfume and body lotion wouldn’t kill me to augment the experience. I’ve just been too tired to slather and spritz, but I’ve harnessed the will to just do it for myself and those around me. Don’t forget the deodorant. Fevers make you sweat like a linebacker. I had forgotten how much scent affected the mood. I’ve struggled and triumphed over a depression diagnosis since my teens, so I’m amazed as much as I’ve used scented candles, incense and the like to amp up the happy juice in my mind that I forgot that. I’m not only going to envelope my wellness nest in healing scent, but my healing temple—the body—as well.
My next task for setting the scene for wellness is our bedroom. I need to create a haven of health in here since this is my full-time area, but I’ll cover that in a future blog about setting the scene and inviting wellness into your wellness area.
If you’re stalling doing something that’s important to you because you were uncertain or weren’t feeling well, try. Do it. Don’t wait for a special observance date or time like I have been doing in terms of writing this blog. The will to do things does not come to you like an anvil over the cliff like the Looney Tunes cartoons. Don’t wait until you think you have all your ducks in a row. Just begin it now. And so begins my blogging experience. I’ll be doing it for personal motivation and to pass along helpful tips to you, my readers and friends. You deserve my best, even while I’m bedriding! (copyright reminder…mine, mine, all mine!)
If you’ve ever been ill before, are ill now or ever become ill, remember that your body really IS your personal sacred space. Be good to it not only inside, but outside. The outside invites wellness just as much as what you put into it in food, fluid and medicine. Make the façade a sponge for health, an invitation for wellness and good vibes. You can start here with your wellness routine while the medical pros are focused on the technical stuff inside you:
- Be comfortable, but wear things that make you feel good about you such as bright colors and patterns, fabrics you love. Company might come. Bed rest can get lonely, so invite friends to come visit and be prepared!
- At least wash and comb your hair. It doesn’t have to look prom perfect, but you need to ward off rodents from taking up residence, right?
- Get yourself body cleansing and scented products that make your skin not only feel good, healthy and look brighter, but also makes you smell good. Get your nurse or a loved one to help you wash up and primp. It just might invite a little affection from that loved one, too. I know not feeling well is stressful on you and the one you love, but a nuzzle or hug here and there is such a boon to the good circulation, blood pressure and healing endorphins. It’s also made my cheeks a little rosier.
- Don’t forget your face. Call that annoying cosmetic sales lady to come visit and let her make over your gray complexion so it brightens up the room better than any reading lamp. They sell men’s products, too. So guys, no excuses. This is your time to shine inside and out.
- Shave! Ladies, your legs will feel better rubbing together under the covers when they are smooth. Fellows, your nurse might give you a sweet pat on the cheek as she bids you farewell until her next visit if she can see you grinning at her under that scruff.
- Don’t forget your teeth. My dentist reinforced in me that the mouth is a conduit for germs, so make sure your teeth and breath are fresh. You’ll feel fresher; you’ll invite fewer germs into your entire system and ward off junk cravings, too, with a fresh mouth. Get out the toothbrush or the minty soaking tablets if you have dentures. Your gums will thank you!
Last, but definitely not least, get organized around your sacred, wellness space. Make it your soothing sanctuary, your healthy haven. We’ll cover that in a future blog. Until next time, here’s wishing that you flutter in anticipation to spin your life from mere possibilities into reality, regardless of your health status. Make the shift step by step! Let me know if I can do anything to help inspire your steps forward. I’m here for you, bedriding high!
© 2009 Monica J. Foster and The Life Beyond Limits™ Blog. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Monica J. Foster and The Life Beyond Limits™ Blog with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.